A Summer Slump

Summer hasn’t been bad here in Southern Indiana. We’ve had some hot days, but nothing like what other parts of the country has experienced. It’s been a good summer in many ways. Camping, swimming, visiting with friends are all fun times! The problem has been the challenge to write since the end of March, and it has turned into a summer slump. For me, writing remains a personal and heart-felt endeavor that requires all my senses. The effort to get things written has been huge over the last three months.

I participated in an art challenge, and I thought the slump had ended. Unfortunately, I still felt stuck. Today I’m pushing through to get a new post up, send off an article I promised to write, work on my book, and go to get a mammogram. It’ll be a full day of following through with what is expected. One step at a time, things will fall into place.

Have you ever experienced a slump? What did you do to get moving again in the right direction?