A Yahtzee Day!

games, die, diceIf you’ve never played the dice game of Yahtzee, you need to do it! Five dice, a score sheet, some friends, and a little time is all it takes. I’ve played Yahtzee since I was a child and have passed the fun of playing on to my family. It’s a game of chance, but there is a bit of strategy to win at times. Sometimes, it’s pure luck.

Each turn, you get three rolls of the dice to achieve certain combinations. Three of a kind, four of a kind, straights, and the coveted Yahtzee. Five dice with the same number. When you roll this, you yell Yahtzee! Sometimes the people you play with give high fives, and sometimes, they grumble. Either way, it’s terrific! Fifty points for that one turn alone.

I sit here at my desk and think of Yahtzee days. The birth of my two daughters. Each of those days were Yahtzee days! The birth of my five grandchildren. Yahtzee! The first time I saw the Gulf of Mexico. Watching my husband’s face as he looked out over the mountains. Falling asleep in a cabin after a day of boating. A warm hotel room in Alaska after freezing all day. Worshiping with locals on a missionary trip. Signing a contract for my book to be published. I’ve been blessed with many Yahtzee days.

Everyone has bad days, weeks, or seasons but we all have Yahtzee days. If you want to cheer yourself up, then look back to all those wonderful memories! The next time something really extraordinary happens…Yahtzee! We can’t stop the negative from happening, but we sure can enjoy the good times. Come on, try it with me. Think of a wonderful memory and shout it out. YAHTZEE!