Crazy Weather Can’t Stop Us

Here is the final set up inside a building for what was supposed to be an outdoor event. Gusty winds, along with lightning and frequent downpours, made setting up outside impossible. Not to be hindered, a local business owner opened up one of his empty buildings to all the vendors. It was a hectic dash to find a suitable spot to set up, and then we were off to the races.

To say I’m thankful my husband was there to help is a monumental understatement since we ended up on the second floor. We made do with one table and I thought it turned out great. He helped me at the end of the day as well. Thanks, babe!

As an author, these events allow me to talk about my work to folks. The characters in The Bomb Squad series seem real to me since I patterned them after boys I’ve known. Each boy has his good traits and maybe a few not so good ones.

It’s exciting to meet up with other vendors too. Found my mom’s gift at one of the other tables. My hubby missed his chance and got nothing picked out.

Overall, the day was a success. Saw many friends, talked to a few young writers, and spent time with my guy. Now that’s a good day!