Eating Dandelions: Do the New Spring Challenge

Dandelions are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. Their color is a welcome relief from the dreary winter landscape here in the Midwest. When our girls were young, I used to worry about all the bees in our yard. Now I know they are essential to the wildlife as a first food as the weather warms up. 

My next “Do the New” Challenge will be to eat these golden beauties. I’ll be sure to take pictures when I do! Here are two recipes I intend to try first. Have you ever eaten fried blooms or dandelion greens in a salad? I haven’t, but after this year, I’ll be able to say it’s something I’ve tried!

Dandelion Greens Salad-Everything I looked up said the leafy greens can be bitter. Hence, lots of goodies must be added to create a yummy salad. I wonder if you picked them when they are just coming on if that would make a difference. Of course, clean them first and pat them dry. Add boiled eggs and bacon bits (drizzle with bacon grease if you so desire), use a seasoned vinaigrette, salt, and pepper to taste and add some diced onions. 

The following recipe is something I’m definitely going to try. Dandelion Jelly!

I searched the web for some good recipes, and this one was good. Check it out here.

“Do the New” continues into the spring. I can’t wait to try these beautiful weeds. Be sure you harvest them from a pesticide-free area, though. Bon Appetit!