Glad you came to hear my woofs of wisdom!
Call Me indy
My mom named me Indiana, but everyone calls me Indy.
My latest photos

Indy 2/2013-8/2024

This is the last good picture of my best buddy ever. He crossed the rainbow bridge in August of 2024. Indy was good boy.
My original intention was to have Indy train to be a therapy dog for a small private school. He was always too rambunctious and enthusiastic to pass his training classes. Although, I was disappointed at first, I later came to realize he was for our family. Welcoming everyone who entered our home.

Who likes Gravy?
Friends are the gravy of life.
It’s true. Friends are the gravy in your life. Without a few friends to share your toys, life can be pretty boring. Someone told me one time to MAKE friends, you’ve got to BE one. So get out there and play with your friends because they’re great.
The picture is me and my friend Taffy. You can’t see her face but she is pretty cute!

Lazy Days
Resting up for more fun!
After a busy morning walk of sniffing a million smells, I need to recharge for the rest of the day. This is my bestest spot in the kitchen where everyone has to step over me. Rest lets us be ready for what will come later. Like more walks, treats, and future naps!

Plan for the future, but don’t forget to enjoy the snacks along the way!

Show Appreciation
My dad gives me treats all the time, and I know I need to show him some love too. Don't forget to show appreciation to people in YOUR life!

Sit and Stay
A woof of wisdom I've had to remember in my life many times, sometimes you have to sit and stay. When things get hectic or you don't know what to do, sit still and stay. The answer will come to you. Sometimes you'll get a treat afterwards!

Waiting on Dad
Dad has to clear the driveway before he can play. I hate waiting! Sometimes it makes me sad. My woof of wisdom today is to keep your attitude positive. Sometimes the good stuff is worth wait!