Launch Party for Off the Grid

Off the Grid, Book 2 in The Bomb Squad series is officially launched! On the day of the party, our area of Indiana had between two and three inches of our first snow of the season. Although I love snow, it did slow the crowd down to the party. I still had some brave people show up and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The pretend fire was a huge hit. I saw a few children reach toward it to see if it was real. A few enjoyed their hotdogs and drinks by the fire. Fun! A library page helped me arrange the logs and build a fire. She set the stage for some fun gatherings around the campsite.

A beta reader and endorser of Off the Grid came. It was fun to talk about the book and grab a picture with her. Young or old, I love my fans and appreciate their support.

To purchase Off the Grid click here. Young readers from ages nine to twelve seem to be the best target audience. Although, older readers to adults have enjoyed the story also.

Both books are stand alone reads. You don’t need to read one to understand the other. To get started with The Bomb Squad series click here for book one.

Now that the book is officially launched, watch for the discussion guide to be released on the parents and teachers page. Also, there is a game in development stages! It’ll be filled with fun challenges!