Monday Morning Optimism

Monday hit hard at 4:40 a.m. when my dog, Indy, woke me up. At first, I was upset, but then I set to work on projects I had put off until the new year. So, my optimism of the first full week in 2022 is at an all-time high right now. The second book in my Bomb Squad series needs a lot of work, but I’m confident it’ll be done soon. (Soon can mean a few weeks or several months for those of you who aren’t authors.) My Happy Planner is ready to go with stickers and dates marked. I begin a new job tomorrow, and I can’t wait!

Every new year brings challenges, and we know there will be disappointments, BUT it’ll also bring new joy. One day at a time remains the best advice for us when we feel overwhelmed. While I don’t have that overwhelmed feeling today, I want to take things one day at a time. Small steps toward a larger goal of a great new year. I always make new year’s resolutions. Some people think they’re silly and that you’re setting yourself up for failure, but if you don’t set goals, how will you know when you reach them?

Today I hope to finish another chapter of editing and do some watercolor painting. Then fix some chili for supper. There’s laundry to do and a vacuum to run along with a kitchen that needs some attention, but it’s all good on this fabulous Monday morning. I hope you can jump on the optimistic train today and find pleasure in the journey. Are you feeling optimistic today?