Ideas~Thoughts~Printables~Resources~Serendipitous Activities
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Available for Programs
Author visits in person or through Zoom calls are a great way to engage students. As a retired teacher and former homeschool mom, I love to connect with children on writing. I can adjust my presentation for K-12th grades. Click the image above to schedule an author visit.
The Bomb Squad

Free Discussion Guide
This discussion guide includes a brief chapter by chapter synopsis and questions for children. Activity pages included in the back. Guides for Off the Grid and Seaside SOS are coming soon.
Here's what people say...
Jill was gracious enough to have a video chat with our 5th and 6th grade classes. It was an amazing experience for our students! She shared helpful tips about the writing process and her experience of creating stories and characters. Jill’s love for writing was clear and inspired everyone who listened! The Q&A session gave our students a chance to connect with her and learn even more. This experience left our students excited and ready to explore their creativity!
Mrs. Cassidy Steinhart, K-12 Instructional Coach, Pekin Community School, Iowa