Do the New!

Do you do new things every day?  We have to go to work or do chores, and many things that are mundane. Although…do you have any ideas of new things you’d like to do? What keeps you from trying them? Just a few short years ago, I decided to write a children’s chapter book. I had a weird idea and after working for months on it, decided to try and publish. The journey to publication wasn’t easy. It required learning new things, doing new things, meeting new people, and relearning all my instant reflex answers of “No, I can’t do that.” I recently watched an amazing video about doing new things and realized I began the journey of NEW already. Would you like to join me? Watch the video here. It’s worth the time to watch!

Doing the new doesn’t guarantee success, quite the opposite. It almost guarantees failure at some level. So why try? There’s a line in the Transformer movie that gets me every time. The main character and a girl he likes are in the middle of a mess, when she hesitates to join him in the car (that happens to be a Transformer), he asks her, “Don’t you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?” Watch it here.

Time will pass no matter what we do. So try the NEW. Get in the car! Reach out! I decided to get in the car of moving forward as an author. What do you want to reach out toward? Make the first steps today. Even one step. You’ll be so glad you did!