My Odd Birthday

This year marks sixty-one trips around the sun. The number is odd, and my birthday feels odd. Like I’ve overtaken a milestone. Somehow I feel older, a lot older than the one year. I’ve never worried about birthdays until now. The number doesn’t match my heart, although it matches my joints! Thoughts of aging make me feel a sense of urgency. What if I don’t finish all the books I plan to write? “What if” questions fill my mind today. On this odd birthday, I look to heaven and say thank you. Thank you for allowing me to stay one more year. I’ll keep saying thank you until He calls me home.

I’ve decided to celebrate more than normal because it doesn’t feel like a normal year. I plan to spend an afternoon alone in a book store. No-one ever wants to go with me because I meander, wander, and browse the stacks. I’ll read covers and descriptions while picking up at least one-hundred books. I’ll only buy one (maybe two…).

Although I’m doing great on my diet, I’m ordering fried ice cream after my delicious Mexican meal. Oh yeah.

The last big plan includes swimming in a pool somewhere, in my case, floating  until my fingers prune. Ahhhhh heaven.

Have you ever had a birthday that caught you off guard? Felt weird? Why was it a milestone day for you? Comment below.

1 thought on “My Odd Birthday”

  1. The birthday that caught me off guard was my first birthday without my mom. It felt strange and scary and sad. I know that she would be celebrating with me, if she were here so I made it a day to celebrate. I’m sure I’ll have other “strange” birthdays, but right now, that’s the one that stands out most.

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