Life’s a Beach

May brings hope for a fun-filled summer, doesn’t it? I’m pumped for this summer since I was sick the entire summer last year! Swimming, going to the park, time to do my art, and summer reading…and summer reading! I’ve got a master plan to begin reading classics I’ve missed in all my sixty years. Do you have any special plans this summer?

The Bomb Squad is a middle grade chapter book that receives rave reviews from kids and adults too. Kids like it because it’s filled with adventure. Adults like it because its filled with life lessons without the preaching. Friendship, loyalty, and what it means to be a neighbor are just a few things included in this action packed story. Children need a beach read not just adults. Okay, maybe they won’t read on the beach, but at night when they need to wind down in the hotel room or condo, The Bomb Squad will be there filled with adventure. Click here to purchase.

To enter my giveaway for a $10 gift card from Amazon. Enter below then be sure and keep hopping!


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55 thoughts on “Life’s a Beach”

  1. It’s going to be a quiet summer this year but hope to visit Europe next year as planned.

  2. We will be heading the beach this summer. I haven’t picked out my beach reads yet!

    1. I keep asking to go camping but my husband always finds a reason why we can’t go. He hates camping.

    1. I’ve started a new classic reading list. I can’t wait to begin marking them off.

  3. My summer reading plans are to read as many books as possible! Have a fantastic TGIF!

    1. Visiting family is fun and when they live in beautiful places like Tampa, that makes it even better!

    1. The beach is one of my favorite places. Everything is better at the beach. Books, food, friendships….all better on the beach.

  4. Carolyn Daley

    The Bomb Squad sounds intriguing. I am not sure what my summer plans are yet.

    1. The boys in The Bomb Squad are full of energy and a bit of mischief! What’s great about summer is it’s easy to find some fun stuff to do even if you don’t have plans.

    1. I haven’t been camping for many years. The thought of a campfire and summer days sounds relaxing.

  5. I’m hoping to finish “A Tale of Two Cities” and then watch the 1940s movie. But our new pet may have other ideas ๐Ÿ˜‰ !

  6. I am a fairly seasonal reader, so I am looking forward to cycling in some summery reads here soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. My summer will be about catching up on my to-do list- but that does include a TV show and movie to-do list, so some of it will be fun ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

    Thanks for the giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚ !

  8. I plan on trying to read all of the books in my KU before adding more books to it, my goal is to finish those books within a 3 week span.

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