Midwinter Blues

It’s midwinter blues time for me. I don’t mind the cold, and the days are getting longer, yet I find myself down in the dumps around this time every year. My Facebook memories confirmed this to me when I saw them this morning. It doesn’t help that my husband tore a muscle in his calf two days ago, which leaves me hauling in wood for our wood-burning stove, as well as taking care of him while he’s on crutches for the next week.

We recently got some snow here in Southern Indiana, and the landscape is beautiful. Grandchildren have been out to sled, and that’s great. Hot chocolate for everyone! I’m busy editing my latest novel, which is coming along nicely. So, why do I feel down or a bit crabby? Before anyone thinks I need vitamins, I take them. I drink lots of water and get outside every day because I have to walk my dog. Excuses for this down in the dumps mood are gone, yet here I am.

Last week I decided to clean out some stuff in my basement. I can’t do a lot by myself, but I do a little every day. Throwing some stuff away, hauling things to a charity, and giving stuff away to family. All of this keeps me busy while improving my mood. While cleaning, I found some things I hadn’t seen in years. What will I ever do with a tiny glass piggy bank? Why do I keep it? It was my dad’s. Drawings by my girls when they were young. Old Christmas tree ornaments from my childhood. Toddler boots for the snow that no one fits anymore. The basement holds memories of my entire life.

Do you struggle this time of year to stay on top of your emotions? Do you have another time of year that is hard? What do you do to help yourself?

This year is still new and holds promise for things to come. Spring is only weeks away, so I know my mood will improve soon. Meanwhile, I keep cleaning out in the basement and nursing my husband back to walking status.