
Today I’m waiting on a snowstorm that may or may not hit in our area. The predictions are all over the place. Depending on who you listen to today, a small amount of ice to several inches of snow. It got me thinking about how we spend our lives listening to predictions. Some of them are outrageous and some more down-to-earth.

Has anyone ever predicted things about you? Your success? Your failure? We don’t have to listen to what others say if their predictions are dire. Maybe, we need to look inside and see if our heart and soul have another prediction. We can set the course for ourselves if we turn off the bad news. The problem is that sometimes we have to wait for our dreams to come true. We’ve got the long road of hard work ahead before we reach our goals.

Waiting doesn’t have to be a negative thing. During the waiting, we must dig in and learn. We must live life to its fullest, so we’re ready when that dream presents itself. Waiting for a good report, waiting on a dream to come true, waiting on something…don’t worry, you can survive the waiting game. Don’t give up hope. God has things timed perfectly.