No More Platitudes Please

Lately, I’ve found that social media sites are filled with quotes and thoughts supposed to help you take steps forward. These quotes or sayings seem positive on the surface but mask a self-centered concept. In lots of relationships, we give more than we get. The Bible encourages us to live a life of sacrifice for others. We’re to look toward service as a blessing, knowing we will help others and God will help us.
My concern centers on the belief of many young people (and lots of older folks, too) that they won’t get what they deserve if they don’t take it for themselves. Ambition doesn’t have to be a cutthroat prospect. We can have a dream or ambitious desire to do something and still be kind, giving people. Will you get every job or project? No. What you do receive is blessings from God. The Bible teaches if God is for us, then who can be against us.
Today, as I work to finish edits on my manuscript for my middle-grade chapter book, my heart remembers all the people who’ve helped me throughout my life. Some I don’t even remember their names, but I remember the assistance. My family and friends encourage me every day in several ways. People continue to support my dream of being published. I didn’t get here by stabbing people in the back or competition. I may not always be in a good mood, and there have been tons of times I’m grouchy. Hopefully, they forgive me for those times and know my heart stands ready to help them too.
So, if today you read a saying that tells you to stop texting friends and see how long it takes for them to text you to see what’s going on, or you read one that tells you to look for a mate who will always put you first and meet all your needs or anything about people shouldn’t make you cry…take time to think those through a minute or two. Other people struggle too. Give grace to those around you and know they aren’t perfect. (To clarify, before anyone says it, I’m not talking about abuse. If someone is abusing you, then take care of yourself. That’s a given.) Give of yourself more than you receive, and God will bless you as you live for Him.