Round and Round

Do you ever feel like you go round and round? You work toward something and feel like you’re right back where you began? When I started writing with the desire to publish, the goals seemed straightforward. Write, submit, publish. (Although I did understand that each one of those goals would have multiple steps!) As time passes, each stage has so many different directions to achieve results.

Years ago, my church went on a trip to Mexico City. While there, we encountered a sign that showed roads looping around and through each other. It was a comical sign at the time because it was of zero help to us as we traveled. Now it represents my journey as a published author. Which way do I go? Do I move into speaking or podcasting? Perhaps, more submissions to magazines.

I feel like God also loops me back around to things in my personal life too. Old feelings of jealousy or anger will pop up at random times. My prayers are forced to deal with the issues again. Sometimes we need to follow the signs of God. They lead us on a straight path.